Then we loved styles that were all about rape culture. Now we love styles that are all about consent! Catch the changes hitting stores this holiday season.


Across the country, women are saying "NO" and not being heard. Maybe it is because people (men and women alike) think that words like "no" are for flirting and don't have much meaning. Kinda like the "no" in this "NO PEEKING" pair of PINK underwear. Cute, right? It's cute when young women sport the word "no" as an invitation. It's cute when young women learn that pretending to not want sex is a way to flirt. Cute when their partners learn that "no" really means yes.
A boundary is not an invitation to try harder. It is something to be deeply heard and respected. Words like "no" and "stop" are not ways to flirt. If you want to have sex, go for it! You don't need to pretend like you're not into sex because you're a woman! And if you don't want to have sex, in any situation, that should always be respected. No matter what. NO means NO.

Do we even need to say it? Printing the slogan "sure thing" literally over women's vaginas sends the wrong message. In what situation in life is a vagina treated like a sure thing? We can think of one: rape.
No vagina is a sure thing. It doesn't matter if that person slow-danced with you all night long, if that woman is your girlfriend, if that man is in your bed, if your date is drunk. We believe that in every situation, every time, everyone gets to decide what happens to their body. Don't treat people like a "sure thing." Ask first.